Saturday 21 December 2013

Experiment 3 ; Uniformity of weight of tablets and capsules.


Uniformity of weight of tablets and capsules.


To determine whether the uniformity of weight of tablets and capsules studied comply with the standard of British Pharmacopoeia or not.


                   Uniformity of weight of drug is important because this ensure the even distribution of ingredients in the drug. Uneven distribution may alter the dose in each individual drug and therefore causes a lot of problems such as unable to reach the therapeutic range or exceed the therapeutic range and reach toxic range.

                   In our experiment, we determined the weight of the tablets and capsules. Next, we determined the deviation percentage of each tablet and capsule that weighted. By doing this, we able to determine the uniformity of weight of tablets and capsules studies that comply with the standard of British Pharmacopoeia or not

Materials and apparatus:

Tablet : Uphamol
Capsule : Ampicillin

Weighing balance


1. 20 tablets previously selected at random were weighed. The average weight was determined.
2. The tablets were weighed individually and for each tablet , the percentage deviation of its weight from the average weight was determined.
3. The deviation of individual weight from the average weight should not exceed the limits given below. 


1. 20 capsules were selected randomly.
2. One of the capsules was weight. Then, the capsule was opened and its contents were removed completely before next step.
3. Next, the weight of the capsule was weight and net weight of the contents was determined.
4. The same procedures were repeated for other 19 capsules.
5. The average net weight was then determined by sum up all the individual net weights.
6. The percentage deviations of the tablets’ weight were determined.
7. The deviation of individual net weight should not exceed the limits given below.

Results and Calculations:

Tablets :

Capsules :


                        According to the results obtained, the average weight of the tablet Uphamol is 0.6446 g (644.6mg). This indicates that the Uphamol tablets are at the range of more than 250mg. Therefore, this tablet should has minimum 18 tablets that in the range of ± 5.0% and maximum 2 tables that in the range of ± 10.0%. For the data we obtained, it is found out that all the tablets follow the limits given. 18 of the tablets are in the range of ± 5.0% and 2 of the tablets are in the range of ± 10.0%. The maximum deviation percentage is -5.5538%. This shows that all tablets used is our experiment are uniform from the aspect of weight.

                       The average weight of the capsule Amipicilin is 0.3741g (374.1mg). Therefore, this capsule should has minimum 18 capsules that in the range of ± 7.5% and maximum 2 capsules that in the range of ± 15.0%. For the data we obtained, it is found out that all the capsules follow the limits given. 20 of the capsules are in the range of ± 7.5% and none of the capsules are in the range of ± 15.0%. The maximum deviation percentage is -7.3138%. This shows that all capsules used is our experiment are uniform from the aspect of weight.

                          The errors might arise when measuring the weight of these tablets and capsules. Some powders might still get stuck inside the capsule shells and the powders are not completely removed, thus cause the measurement of emptied shells not accurate. Besides that, errors might also due to the air flow or wind around the weighing balance. All these errors will lead to inaccuracies of measurement of weight.


The uniformity of weight of tablets and capsules test are useful in quality control during the production of tablets and capsules. In this experiment, it is found that all tablets and capsules used are uniform.


  1. So it is interesting and very good written and see what they think about other people. tablet
